Venom Sword (236D)
Hazama stylishly throws out a green energy wave at the opponent.
A medium ranged projectile that comes out fast and is safe on block. Generally used to end blockstrings since it can't be followed up with a combo, except for in the corner on a counter hit.
Serpent's Benediction (214D)
Hazama takes a stance, and pulls his hand back to start channeling green energy. This move has a short start-up and allows him to follow up with 4 other special moves by inputting A, B, C or D while it's active. After it's been active for almost 1/2 a second, more powerful charged versions of the A, B and C will be unleashed instead.
Rising Fang (A, after Serpent's Benediction)
Hazama aggressively jumps forward and does a spinning overhead kick. Is an overhead attack and is mainly used in block strings. The charged version increases damage and hit/blockstun. If you land a counter hit, or do the charged version instead, you can follow up with various combos.
Falling Fang (B, after Serpent's Benediction)
Hazama cartwheel kicks up into the air in a wide vertical arc. Anti-air special with start-up invincibility, but is unsafe on block. It does however have a pushback effect which makes it less punishable on block compared to other similar specials of its kind. The charged version deals more damage, has increased hit/blockstun and causes fatal counter.
Devouring Fang (C, after Serpent's Benediction)
Hazama slashes at the opponents legs with one of his knives. Hits low and breaks one guard primer. Causes the enemy to be sucked in on hit towards Hazama. It's mainly used in combos but can be used as a mixup option instead of the Rising Fang follow-up (which is an overhead attack). The charged version deals more damage and has better proration.
Serpent's Haste (D, after Serpent's Benediction)
Hazama pulls his hand back and stops channeling green energy.
Has a slight delay before Hazama goes back to his neutral stance.
Wind Serpent's Fang (214B, in air)
Hazama does a axe-kick-like knockdown. It's fast and has a long reach, but is mainly used in combos due to Hazama taking a long time to recover from it and it not being an overhead attack. It removes one guard primer on block and on hit causes knockdown.
Bloody Fangs (236C)
Hazama starts glowing red and quickly guts the opponent to stun them with his knife. A short-ranged command grab with a little invulnerability. Deals no damage but leaves them in enough hitstun for 5C to hit and be followed up with a combo. It's mainly used during pressure as a mixup option.
Hungry Coils (623D)
Hazama throws his arm out and launches a red glowing Ouroboros chain at an angle. A fast anti-air move that can only hit airborne opponents and is considered air unblockable. On hit Hazama flings the enemy to the other side of the screen, causing knockdown. The farther away the Ouroboros chain connected with the opponent, the longer time you have to follow up with an attack. In combos it is usually used for repositioning since the normal follow-ups deals more damage and gives more heat.
Distortion Drives
Serpent's Infernal Rapture (236236B)
Hazama takes a stance, and quickly split kicks the opponent extremely high into the air in a green plume. A fast all purpose reversal that invulnerability at the start and causes fatal counter hits. At worst it will usually trade with the opponents attack in Hazama's favour, unless Hazama is caught by a pre-emptive command grab. On hit it launches the opponent above the screen and is completely untechable until impact with either the ground or an attack from Hazama. This move is very unsafe on block.
Eternal Coils of the Dragon Serpent (632146C)
Hazama summons a deadly mark below his opponent's feet to stun them, and if successful he then grabs them with an Ouroboros chain and pulls them in, starts spinning and cutting at the opponent with his knives, and finishes them off by summoning three demonic snakes to annihilate the enemy. This move has a long start-up, but gives invulnerability during the initial summoning of energy beneath the opponents feet. It can't hit enemies that are close to Hazama, but can hit enemies in the air that are close to the ground. This move doesn't function as a grab, so it can be blocked normally. Isn't used much apart from adding extra damage to the end of certain combos or as a punish for any long ranged attack with a lot of recovery.
Astral Heat
Hungry Darkness of 1000 Souls (1632143D)
Hazama summons an immense amount of Ouroboros chains around him and on hit will summon a multitude of green energy snakes and launch the opponent into the air only to be devoured by a huge green energy snake. Has slow startup, but has a lot of invincibility. Can be combod into.