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Johnny is a very basic character, though by no means easy to play. In order to play a good Johnny, you have to be knowledgable about every aspect of the game and be able to utilize every opening your opponent leaves to your advantage. He consistently ranks at the bottom of tier lists and is generally regarded as one of the harder characters to play.

That being said though, you can still win with Johnny. Even his worst matchups (Potemkin, Zappa) are relatively balanced, so if you're dead set on learning him, you'll definitely be satisfied once you do.


There's a few things you're going to need to learn if you're new to Johnny.

Those being:

- Coins (what they do and how to use them)

- Mist Finers

- Mist Cancelling

- Bacchus Sigh (214P)

Let's start with the coins. As you have probably noticed, above his Tension meter Johnny has 8 coin icons that replenish between rounds. These are how you power up your Mist Finer (236P/K/S) level and are also an invaluable pressure tool.

When you land a coin on an opponent, your Mist Finer level goes up by one. When this happens, you'll see "Level 2/3" near your Tension meter. This is important because Mist Finer properties vary drastically by level (and by which Mist Finer you use). For use as a pressure tool, coins are useful to keep your opponent in the corner when you don't have a Level 2 Mist Finer or higher (more on this in a bit). Remember that once you use a Mist Finer above Level 1, you have to land another coin in order to gain a higher level again. Be wary of spending all of your coins too quickly as well, as you become much less of a threat without them.

Next are the Mist Finers themselves. The input for Mist Finers are all 236, but will change direction depending on what button you press afterwards. 236P is the High Mist Finer, 236K is the Mid Mist Finer, and 236S is the Low Mist Finer. At Level 1, all three Mist Finers are pretty slow and weak. At Level 2, they become fast and good combo starters. At Level 3 they become multi-hit combos, and although they do a fair amount of damage, Level 2 Mist Finer combos will almost always do more. The main incentive to gaining a Level 3 Mist Finer though, is that you gain a faster Mist Cancel.

One important thing worth noting about Mist Finers is that they are a negative edge move, meaning that the move doesn't come out when you press the button, rather when you release it. This is important for two reasons; firstly, it means Mist Finers cannot be true reversals, and secondly, if you hold the button, you will stay in the Mist Finer stance. This is important for the next thing on the list, Mist Cancelling.

Mist Cancelling is an absolutely vital technique to playing Johnny, and while it may seem hard at first, it actually becomes quite simple once you learn the rhythm of it. Basically, any time one of your normal moves (other than 2HS) connects with your opponent (either on hit or block), input and hold 236P/K/S, and press HS immediately afterwards. What this does is cancel your moves' recovery with the Mist Finer stance, effectively making any move that connects safe. This is used primarily for pressure and advancing in on your opponent to attempt mixups, and is very useful for raising your opponent's Guard Bar.

The usefulness of Mist Cancelling ultimately depends on three things. Your consistency in the speed of the input for the actual cancel itself, your Mist Finer level (cancels get faster at levels 2 and 3), and what you do with the advantage you're given. The first one is just execution, and is thus the easiest to remedy. If you actually just tap the button you input for your Mist Finer and press HS afterwards, you will always get the fastest possible Mist Cancel. This will of course require a bit of practice, but it's useful once you learn it. The second one will vary depending on the match, but coins are generally pretty easy to land. The last one, however, is something that can only come with lots of matchup experience, practice and knowledge.

With the advantage Mist Cancelling gives you, it's common for newer players to think of it as a way to endlessly barrage your opponent with safe moves, but that's not what Mist Cancelling really does. What it does do, however, is both allow for you to make unsafe moves safe (useful for zoning and poking) and advance towards your opponent. The former is inherent of Mist Cancelling and is part of the reason newer players get trapped into bad habits. However, using Mist Cancelling to advance towards your opponent is something that takes a bit of practice (and for newer players who are blockstring happy, a little bit of self control). To use the advantage Mist Cancelling gives you to advance, you should only be doing one move, Mist Cancelling, dashing, and then doing this again (until you're in range to throw/low poke/Ensenga). The main problem with doing multi-hit blockstrings is that you're pushed back so far that the Mist Cancel effectively becomes useless. You may be able to do one, maybe two tops, reps of these blockstrings, but after that your opponent can just jump out. In summary, Mist Cancelling for pressure should be done with the intent of mixing up. The only way you can do this is by advancing, and the only way you can do that is to do one move per Mist Cancel.

Lastly, we have Bacchus Sigh, or as some people call it, "the mist". This is where Johnny's okizeme game shines most, as what Bacchus Sigh does is make the Mist Finer unblockable while it's active. Any time you score knockdown and have enough time to do so, it's always a good idea to use Bacchus Sigh- twofold if you have a high level Mist Finer. Much of Johnny's corner game revolves around knocking down into Bachhus Sigh, although it has it's uses midscreen as well (2D -> Bacchus Sigh is a common midscreen setup). Bacchus Sigh setups go hand in hand with one hit Ensengas, which will be covered in the combo section.



5P: Very fast, useful for tick throws but not much else.

5K: Fast, large hitbox. Good for hitconfirming into big damage or knockdown.

Close 5S: Fast, safe on guard without Mist Cancel.

Far 5S: Fairly fast, lots of horizontal range. Leads to big damage but whiffs over shorter characters even while standing.

5HS: Slow, but useful for pressure and hitconfirms. Doubles as anti-air for when opponents are out of 6P range.

5D: Very slow, reactable overhead. Standard Dust.

6P: Fast, invincible for a long time and a good amount of vertical range. Staple anti-air and launcher.

6K: Fast, decent horizontal range but not much else. FRC is useful for tick throws and Gold Burst gimmicks.

6HS: Very slow, but deals a lot of damage. Moves Johnny's hitbox back a bit, so can be used to bait slow attacks.

2P: Very fast, useful for tick throws and escaping pressure.

2K: Very fast, decent range. Makes for a good meaty.

2S: Fast, very good range. Has more priority and leads to more damage than 2K. Also a good meaty.

2HS: Very fast, but lots of recovery. Mostly used to get out of pressure. Cannot be Mist Cancelled, but can be cancelled into 5D.

2D: Fairly fast, scores knockdown. Useful for landing coins and Bacchus Sigh setups.

3HS: Slow, can be used to beat reversals at certain distances. Good for pressure and hitconfirms.

j.P: Very fast, safe on guard. It has very little range though, so it sees little use outside of combos.

j.K: Fast, decent range. A staple jump in/crossup move.

j.S: Fast, very good horizontal range. Great jump in/crossup move.

j.HS: Slow, very good vertical range below Johnny. Good for punishing whiffs air to ground.

j.D: Fast, launches opponent on air hit. Mostly used for positioning in air combos ending with Ensenga.



Special Moves

Mist Stance: 236+P or K or S
Mist Finer: Release P or K or S during Mist Stance
Mist Stance Walk: 6 or 4 during Mist Stance
Mist Stance Dash: 66 or 44 during Mist Stance
Mist Stance Cancel: H while in Mist Stance
Glitter Is Gold: 236+HS
Bacchus Sigh: 214+P
Divine Blade: 623+S -> S (Aerial: 236+S)
Killer Joker: 421+S -> S (Aerial: 214+S)
Ensenga: 41236+HS (Aerial only)

Force Breaks

Jackhound: 214+D (available during Mist Stance)
Return Jackhound: 236+D (during Jack Hound)


That's My Name: 632146+HS

Instant Kill

Joker Trick: P+K+S+H -> 236236+HS





ABA (Bad): Score knockdown when she's in Moroha mode. Be ready to block any time she approaches, as her mixup is solid.

Anji (Even): Bait and punish Fuujin and it's followups. Score knockdown a lot and keep him on the defensive.

Axl (Bad): Stay on the ground and play defense. Attack when he leaves himself open.

Baiken (Bad): Be especially careful with your pressure, since she can punish it easily with her alpha counters. Defense is key here, but luckily Baiken dies in little more than one combo.

Bridget (Even): Block the yo-yo. Other than that, have fun beating his ground normals and jump ins.

Chipp (Even): Block, land a coin and kill him. Just remember that you do need to block before you can kill him.

Dizzy (Bad): She outzones you the entire time. Be patient and approach slowly and this match is yours.

Eddie (Bad): Same principle as Dizzy, but Eddie has a much easier time kiling you.

Faust (Bad): 6P beats scalpel clean and 2D is a godsend in this match. You will need to play a good defense though.

I-no (Bad): Block her mixups and she's not so scary. This is however, easier said than done.

Jam (Bad): Punish her card charges with Jackhound. Watch out for puffballs and her 5HS.

Johnny (Even): Think two steps ahead of your opponent. If you are the opponent, think three steps ahead.

Ky (Bad): Outzones and outpressures you, but you can make his life a nightmare if you can keep him knocked down.

May (Bad): Counter hits everywhere in this match. The difference here is that if May lands a counter hit, she can do damage without meter. If you land a counter hit, you need a coin, meter, or both.

Millia (Bad): Her okizeme and mixup game is very good, but once you get on the offensive she's screwed.

Order Sol (Even): 5K stuffs a lot of his moves, and works as an anti air against his short jump. 5HS also works wonders at the ranges 5K won't hit.

Potemkin (Very bad): Your best chance is to land a coin early and keep your Mist Finer high. Also, you can dash over slidehead, so use that to approach and punish with throw/3HS.

Robo-Ky (Bad): Defense is key here, as is knockdown.

Slayer (Bad): Think of Slayer as Johnny but more random and easier to do damage with. Also learn to react to his relatively fast overheads as well as their feints (6K, 5D).

Sol (Even): You can actually afford to play offensively here, but be ready to guard when Sol approaches.

Testament (Bad): Net okizeme is very strong, as is his 6P. As with most of Johnny's matchups, defense is your friend here.

Venom (Bad): Killer Joker FRC is very useful for jumping over balls. For the most part though, you'll want to stay grounded and play defense.

Zappa (Very bad): Hard to combo midscreen with Low Mist Finer, so save your Level 2 for the corner. And if he wakes up with Raoh, be ready to block a 3 frame DP. In general, you will be on defense for most of the match.
