You've probably noticed a lot of talk over the past day or so on the forums about CAPCOM gearing up more HD Remixes, and it appears the next game to possibly receive the remix treatment is Marvel vs. Capcom 2 according to an interview from Videogamer.com. This is good news for for fans of the series, but with SFII Turbo: HD Remix taking as long as it did, one has to wonder how CAPCOM will approach Marvel vs. Capcom 2 with its large cast of characters.
Beyond even creating HD sprites for all the characters, there is also the aspect of balancing the game which could prove to be quite difficult considering that there are virtually an infinite number of match ups. I would actually prefer to see a brand new game based on the Tatsunoko vs. Capcom engine, but it's hard to be too pessimistic with so much focus on fighting games lately!