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« Sin Kiske From Guilty Gear 2: Overture Premiering First In Console Versions Of Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- »

The upcoming Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- will feature a series character premiering for the first time in fighting game form!

Guilty Gear 2: Overture's major character Sin Kiske will be playable in the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions of GGX. While Sin was featured in the arcade version of Xrd in story segments, the ability to play him will premiere first on consoles with an eventual release on arcades. Sin was the companion of GG series protagonist Sol Badguy in GG2 and is the son of Ky Kiske and Dizzy. A mechanic exclusive to Sin is "Full Stomach," which revolves on charging a special meter that can be consumed when using special moves.

Stay tuned for more information behind his gameplay style and more in the near future!

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