Tiny Lobelia (236A/B/C, mid-air also)
With the A Version, Rachel launches a Lobelia at her opponent with Gii's assistance. In the B and C versions, Nago transforms into a cannon and spouts a Lobelia at the enemy and in the aerial version Rachel throws them down at the enemy. Lobelias become a rod in the ground after landing. The button you press determines the trajectory of the Lobelia. Very useful for zoning, with low recovery. Useful in combos. Projectiles movement can be affected by wind. The projectile won't become a rod if Rachel is hit before it touches the ground. Only 3 rods may be placed at any time.
George XIII (214A, mid-air also)
Rachel lays down her loyal servant, George. If he's in range with the opponent, he will trigger and radiate an electric aura that hits your opponent. George can be moved with the wind. George is a multi-purpose tool, useful for pressure, zoning, and combos! George disappears after a set time and when he does you must wait 2 seconds to use him again.
Impish Gypsophila (214B, mid-air also)
Rachel twirls and summons a floating pumpkin. This projectile will travel with the wind's trajectory. It has slow start-up and disappears after a set time. Use with Silpheed to pressure your opponent safely!
Sword Iris (214C, mid-air also)
Rachel flicks her fingers and triggers lighting on the rods you placed with Tiny Lobelia, launching up the opponent on hit. The aerial version has less recovery, but slower start-up. Useful as a zoning tool, for pressure, and combos. In Continuum Shift, it's possible to trigger the lightning rod while its in mid-air.
Distortion Drives
Baden-Baden Lily (632146C, mid-air also)
Rachel summons lightning to fall on her body and on any rods you may have placed with Tiny Lobelia. This move is mostly used as a combo extender, leading into Rachel's most damaging combos. Rachel's body and every rod placed remove a primer on block if they hit the enemy.
Tempest Dahlia (632146B, mid-air also, consumes 1 bar of Silpheed Gauge)
Depending on the silpheed gauge, Rachel will use Gii to summon a variety of her servants (Including cows and giant frogs!) and hurl them at the opponent. This move cannot be done if you don't have any Silpheed bars at all. Mostly useful for zoning and to punish unsafe moves while in the air. Combos are possible with the 3 and 4 Silpheed versions. 3 Silpheed version removes one primer, 4 Silpheed version removes 2.
Astral Heat
Clownish Calendula (222B)
Rachel's Astral Heat. She points Nago at the ground and begins summoning a red powerful aura that covers a wide area around her. If it hits, she summons a giant tombstone and delivers fatal lightning on her opponent. Rachel is invincible after start-up. This hit is unblockable, use it in the corner and trap your enemy!