Soki tosses his sword out at the opponent, sucking them into a whirlwind of fire before directing the floating blade down to stab them on the ground. The last hit of the whirlwind throws the opponent up into a free fall, making it good in Delayed Hyper Cancels. Fairly fast and fairly safe, this super does average damage and is overall just a very decent attack. It's good in Delayed Hyper Cancels due to the height at which it throws the opponent.

A quick slash with the sword, imbued with electricity. This attack can be charged up 3 levels. Uncharged it staggers and can be affected by Power Slash to perform a double attack for around 9,000b damage. The uncharged hit can also send airborn opponents into a wall bounce. Charged to level 2, it hits twice for about 18,000b damage, and at level 3 the second hit triggers a huge explosion for an overall damage of around 25,000b damage. The second attack for the charged versions will come out even if the first hit misses. A very useful super if just because of the incredible damage potential it has for only 1 meter. The uncharged hit comes out fast and can be very useful in Delayed Hyper Combos due to it's stagger properties. Charging two levels already makes it very powerful and can easily combo from a lengthy assist such as Polymar's. The 3rd level of charge is useful for certain team combos and Delayed Hyper Combinations. If the uncharged blow is used on an airborn opponent, they will wallbounce and Soki can combo into a relaunch.

Soki grips his sword tightly and then in a flash of light transforms into the dreaded Black Oni. Control is given back to the player after the super flash and Soki's meter will slowly drain over time. Soki remains in Oni mode until he either uses his final attack or runs out of meter. When in Oni mode, Soki has hyper armor just like a giant character, and he cannot summon his partner. While hitting the opponent he draws out red, blue and yellow souls randomly.
Instead of calling out an assist, the P button will allow Soki to absorb the souls that are floating around the stage, which each have an effect on him dependant on their colour. Blue souls steal meter from the opponent - yellow souls restore Soki's life and red souls fill work towards allowing him to use his final attack.
This super has some interesting properties, but it's major weakness is that no matter what it will end up draining Soki's entire meter guage, which in the meter-dependant world of TvC is quite a risky move for any character. Still, the actual transformation process happens during a superpause, meaning that Soki can cancel out of normals and specials into Oni mode and continue the combo, guaranteeing that some souls will be drawn from the opponent and some damage will be done. Using the P button can absorb drawn souls but it can also be tapped to cancel any attacks into the start of the absorbing state, which only lasts for a split second. Using this technique Soki can relentlessly attack the opponent without having to stop, and is capable of stringing together some very long and damaging combos. When it comes to absorbing souls, the green and blue souls are probably the most useful. Getting 10 red souls will allow Souki to use his ultimate attack, which reverts him back to his regular state whether it hits or misses.
Another weakness of the Oni Soki mode is that due to Soki having a lack of mixup options, opponents can run away from him and he doesn't have all that much he can do to stop them, so it's always a good idea to combo into this super rather than just using it as soon as Soki gets 3-5 bars.
Can only be used during Oni Mode while Soki has 10 red souls. Soki takes a sword in both hands and savagely rips into the opponent with them, finishing with a powerful X-slash, the ferocity of which shatters his own Oni mask. After hitting or missing with this attack he will return to normal and all his meter will be gone. This attack doesn't see the light of day often, because after landing the first set of hits and taking the time to absorb the souls required to use it, Soki most likely won't be hitting the opponent again easily if they're running away from him. If he did manage to build 10 red souls during the first combo into Oni Mode, then landing this super on the opponent will just about guarantee that at least one of the opposing team's characters is going to be KOed or at the very least take a huge amount of damage.