MESSATSU-GOHADO (AIR OK) - QCF+2ATK (285k/260k if holding H)
Fireball version
This is mainly used in combos and to cover a wide range of space since many fireballs are fired at many different trajectories. The high priority combined with the amount of fireballs actually can be used to counter many supers where the beam version and even the uppercut super fail (i.e sent drones). Otherwise this is mainly used to link supers for massive damage.
Beam version (Hold H)
Both versions have a fast 7 frame startup but when you hold down H after startup this high Priority beam appears to punish things or chip from full screen. This is mainly used on reaction to punish assists, punish projectiles, or simply to chip the other opponent since it is nearly impossible to escape with certain characters when you set it up right. This is also the preferred DHC option since it is fast and flexible.
This is Akumas main reversal super, it is used for its long invincibility, 21 frames, to punish and react to supers and specials and can setup massive damage if you commit to DHCs. This move beats many hypers point-blank due to its high invincibility, but for projectile purposes it will often lose to projectiles that last a long period of time or the projectile is more than one.
RAGING DEMON (LEVEL 3) - L, L, FORWARD, M, H (465,000)
This is Akuma's signature super and it is a devastating Level 3 in this game.
This is technically a grab so you cannot combo into it, but there are ways to guarantee it hits. After super flash it activates in 0 frames meaning it is already active immediately after super flash, so you can use it right next to a blocking opponent and they cannot escape it. It is also completely invincible the whole duration so you can do this on reaction to a projectile, frame trap, or a super to counter. You can also TK a beam super to combo off of it or use a fast OTG assist and get a full combo into certain death.
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