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ZERO VECTOR (236D, in air)

Arakune releases a random cloud of one of the three cloud types. This cloud adds 30% to fever meter when an opponent touches it and it can't be blocked or destroyed except by successfully hitting Arakune or after a throw break.



IF P, THEN Q (214A/B/C, mid-air also)

An assortment of teleport feints used for tricking the opponent. The air ones require Arakune to be on the way up during a jump. Can be cancelled from normals on hit.



Y. TWO-DASH (236C, in air)

Most commonly known as Arakune's "pinwheel", this multi-hit saw attack that is mainly used in fever combos. Has a minimum height and can be affected by jump momentum and airdash momentum to control distance traveled and trajectory path.




Arakune squirms, and goes partially invisible. Body clouds will give off Arakune's location. Mixed with feints and teleports during zoning however make it harder for the opponent to avoid drive attacks. Used in some situations to cancel 5D to recover faster. Arakune will reappear once either player blocks and gets hit by an attack.





F OF G (214214D in air)

Arakune summons an mark on the ground that is unblockable. It's slow and can be jumped out on reaction. There are uses during fever mode as an escapable but unblockable mixup and can be comboed after. Not used very often however.



F-INVERSE (236236C)

Arakune will transform into what you can only describe as a "flower bear", which blasts the opponent with a multihit beam. During the super Arakune can be moved slightly left and right. When the opponent is on the side of the beam they will take less damage and hits but bounce higher allowing for followup or to control the number of hits. Used frequently after ground throw and counter assault for damage and building fever meter. Can be comboed in many ways to allow extend fever building combos so that more fever can be obtained. Used as a reversal between block strings and on wakeup. Also used as a finisher at the end of curse combos to tack on extra damage




Astral Heat

n to infinity (?)

Arakune takes the opponent to another dimension, and becomes a invincibile floating eyeball. He will randomly follow 1 of 4 patterns. If the opponent does not barrier defend the attack they will become guard broken. Can be combined with equals zero. Can be comboed into during curse with 6D bugs.

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