Hyper Charging Star - QCB+2ATK (274k)
A solid combo ender as well as invulnerable to projectile specials and Hyper Combos. Any hit at all against a projectile will result in the full damage.
This is a far more powerful version of his Charging Star special move. Captain America does a shoulder charge with his shield horizontally across the screen, inflicting hits on any opponent in his path.
Hyper Stars and Stripes - F,D,D/F+2ATK (290k)
Captain America's beefed up version of Stars & Stripes. With heavy invulnerability on startup, this Hyper Combo can counter nearly any physical attack.
Final Justice - QCF+2ATK (440k, lvl3)
Final Justice has no invulnerability, so make sure you limit its use to a combo ender.
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