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Piano'ing inputs are a basic term where you use all your fingers to quickly click on multiple buttons in quick succession. This method of pressing multiple buttons became very useful with the discovery of roll-cancels in CvS2. Usually piano'ing inputs are only done on a 'row' level where only top row or bottom row is piano'ed.
This method is useful in many situations. In 3S, you always want to piano the supers because other than Urien, the strength you use does not differ the super that comes out and by piano'ing, you actually get six chances of super coming out at the right moment when you count the negative edge (three piano'ed inputs a few frames apart, and three negative-edged inputs also a few frames apart).
Piano'ing is also useful in SF4 with the importance of plinking in combos.
Last updated on February 8, 2010 by haunts