Beginner's combo
D+L, M, D+M, H(2 hits), Kasha (pause) M, D+M, H(2 hits), launcher, jump, L, L, M, M, jump, M, M, H-Narukami
Bread and Butter
D+L, M, D+M, H(1 hit), Tobimizuchi > Ukifune (hold B while flying), B + M, DB+M, H (2 hits), H-Kasha > L-Yoinagi > Yashaguruma, L, L, L, M, H (2 hits), H-Kasha, launcher, jump, L, L, M, M, jump, M, M, H-Narukami
Advanced Bread and Butter 'slide loop' combo
(thanks to Trag for this video)
D+L, M, D+M, H(1 hit), Tobimizuchi > Ukifune (hold B while flying), B + M, DB+M, H (2 hits), slight pause, D+H, H-Kasha > M-Yoinagi > Yashaguruma (opponent bounces behind karas), L, M, H (2 hits and start holding back now) D+H, H-Kasha, slight pause, D+H, H-Kasha, D+H, L-Kasha, launcher, jump, L, L,M,M, jump M, M, H-Narukami
Advanced Unblockable Loop (requires assist, baroque and mega crash)
D+L, M, D+M, H(1 hit), Tobimizuchi > Ukifune (hold B while flying), B + M, DB+M, H (2 hits), slight pause, D+H, H-Kasha > M-Yoinagi > Yashaguruma (opponent bounces behind karas), L, M...
now at this point, we are assuming Karas is using an assist that will allow a faultless unblockable setup. The timing for each assist is different depending on the character. For this example we will use Polimar, since his is perhaps the easiest.
...H (On the fist hit press P, wait until just before the second polimar kick lands, then -), F+H (full charge), BAROQUE, D+L, M, D+M, H(1 hit), Tobimizuchi > Ukifune (hold B while flying), B + M, DB+M, H (2 hits), H-Kasha > L-Yoinagi > Yashaguruma, L, L, L, M, H (2 hits), H-Kasha, launcher, jump, MEGA CRASH...
now the timing here is very strict. You must megacrash immediately after leaving the ground, but if you do it too soon the megacrash will miss. If you did it right, Karas should land almost immediately after using the Megacrash.
...M, H (On the fist hit press P, wait until just before the second polimar kick lands, then -), F+H (full charge), BAROQUE, D+L, M, D+M, H(1 hit), Tobimizuchi > Ukifune (hold B while flying), B + M, DB+M, H (2 hits), H-Kasha > L-Yoinagi > Yashaguruma, L, L, L, M...
From here on, if you have the meter for it you can attempt to repeat the megacrash portion of this loop. If you no longer have 2 bars for a megacrash, then proceed as follows:
...H(2 hits) + P, L, M, H (2 hits), H-Kasha, launcher, jump, L, L, M, M, jump, M, M, H-Narukami
Phew. That sure is a lot of inputs. But if you did it right your opponent should be pretty much finished. Now you just have to make sure you don't get hit, since you no longer have any meter.
Sometimes an opponent can escape the unblockable by tagging out if your timing wasn't perfect. In this case, simply baroque and block the tag and then punish their partner with the whole thing from the beginning.
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