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Reader Comments (1)
DJHUOSHEN has some great video examples of combos. They can be found on his youtube channel
Generally there's two different combos depending on your location on the screen. Theres midscreen combos, midscreen bnb = 5b 5c itsuuc chun (may need to jump before chun depending on distance) 2c j.b j.c j.d staff1 airdash j.c staff2 6c 6D Daisharin. Theres variants on the combo, and can actually be continued if you are a certain place on the stage, but that is the gist of it.
Theres also corner combos which are a bit more complicated. This is straight copy pasted from dustloops litchi forum, j.7D falling j.C staff2 6B/dash 6C(1)/dash [4/1A+B] 2C[m] itsuuA 4kote 5C/2C/3C 2D j.C dj falling j.C
Fyi, i am no pro litchi player but a new bb player that got started when it came out on console and working on getting to a competitive level. Also coming from a street fighter background, primarily an arcade player.