Volnutt is one of the more unique characters in the game. Rather than having a set of completely unique special moves, all of his special moves save for the charge shot are the same. However the weapon switch also allows Volnutt to be one of the most flexible characters in the game despite this, and weapon switch in all it's forms is vital to his overall effectiveness as a fighter. The light version of the weapon switch changes his arm to a machine gun, the mid version changes it to a shield mode and the strong version changes it to a drill. Equipping the same arm twice will switch Volnutt back to his regular arm, which is also what he starts the match with. Depending on what arm Volnutt has equipped at the time, the attack he uses as his F+M or DF+M will change. Because Weapon Switch is considered a special move, it can be used to cancel normal moves and to continue combos due to it's quick activation and miniscule lag.
The same as Weapon Switch, except Volnutt does a short forward step while changing, after which a small amount of lag follows, moreso than the regular switch. This is a big part of his ground and aerial combos as it can be used as a mobility option while canceling or even as an alternative to air dashing. It can be used to reverse direction while air dashing backwards, super jumping, anything. This subtle control over his movement is one of Volnutt's key strengths. Doing it in the air is faster than on the ground.
The same as the previous, except with step in the opposite direction. The same strategies apply.
The classic Megaman Charge shot is back. Holding Volnutt's strong attack will charge the blast which can be released at any time by letting go of the button. The charge does more hits and has a larger hitbox the longer it's charged. The fully charged shot is very powerful and blows the opponent back to the other side of the screen even if blocked, which is good news for Volnutt players who like to run away and shoot a lot. It can be charged during supers but will disappear if Volnutt is hit.
Volnutt's F+M attack is a unique attack that changes depending on what weapon arm he has equipped at the time. In the case of the machine gun and drill arms, DF+M also has a unique attack. Because all attacks that come out of F+M attacks are considered NORMALS, they can be cancelled into weapon switch specials. All weapon attacks can be used in the air too.
Using the normal arm on the ground or the air will cause Volnutt to lunge forward while throwing a haymaker. This attack causes heavy stagger on a grounded opponent and allows him to extend his ground combos. Using this move while slightly above the ground will cancel all of the landing lag, making it a fantastic pressure tool at close range.
F+M attack will make Volnutt fire a stream of lasers in front of him with very little startup or lag.
DF+M makes him fire into the air diagonally or fire at a downwards angle if he's airborn. Eats through most other projectiles and deals respectable damage if it hits. It's a great tool for harassing the opponent at further range. By using this move as soon as a jump starts, Volnutt is capable of firing it in very quick succession, though keep in mind that some characters can duck or use sliding moves to avoid it and approach.
Attacking with the shield arm causes Volnutt to project a green shield in front of him. The attack has some startup but can reflect projectiles and if it hits the opponent it sends them flying back at an alarming speed after which they will slam into the wall for a wallbounce. It also completely negates chip damage from blocked attacks, taking away from his meter instead. Generally this is his most useful arm because it can be used to extend his combos, allowing him to relaunch after an air rave and boost his otherwise poor damage in combos. The hitbox is massive and meaty and will stop just about any frontal assault.
Forward plus Medium Attack makes Volnutt do a low drill attack that also hits opponents who are downed. This attack cannot be used in the air. Volnutt can use this move to extend combos, since if it hits a standing opponent it will pop them up into the air. Timing a forward weapon switch to go off just as the attack ends allows Volnutt to pursue the opponent and hit them with a standing M which can then be comboed into a launcher.
His down-forward plus Medium Attack variant is more of an uppercut and can be used in the air. A more substantial damage-dealer attack, Volnutt can actually fit two of these into a single air combo through careful weapon switching.
If he has this arm when hitting the opponent with a tag-in, he can attack them on the switch when they're lying on the ground with the F+M version.