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So this tier list was just posted earlier today on SRK and there is already a lot of contreversy around it. Looks like compared to INO's list I posted a month or so ago there are some differences ('Gief not #1 anymore) but Claw is still at the bottom! 

Thanks to kikkomanchow for the find!




1 - Sagat
2 - Vega (Dictator)
2 - Ryu
2 - Zangief
4 - Blanka
6 - Rufus
6 - Akuma
8 - M.Bison (Boxer)
9 - Chun Li
10 - Ken
11 - Abel
12 - Dhalsim
12 - Guile
14 - C.Viper
15 - Honda
16 - El Fuerte
17 - Balrog (Claw)



Reader Comments (3)

the tier gaps seem to be shallow as of now. i can't help but wonder how much more they'll fluctuate before there becomes a definitive consensus.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterquash

Man, Abel is lower than I expected. I am glad Ken & Chun are not top. I am tired of playing against them in 3S :)

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbradido


the top 4 on that list are pretty tough fights. I have been playing Bison and Sagat and they are real jerks no doubt.

Sagat can play offensively and defensively and a defensive Bison is a real pain in the ass.

Ryu is just solid all around with a lot of ways to land his ultra, good poke strings and damaging combos.

Zangief can be pretty scary but I am not surprised he has dropped on the list. Some of his moves like his banishing fist are actually pretty unsafe, so if you zone him right he isnt so bad.

October 17, 2008 | Registered Commenterhaunts
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