There was talk about Chun Li and Sakura receiving aesthetic updates earlier last week but it looks like there are now some comparison shots popping up online of..neither of them! First shot I've seen so far is actually for Guile, and the changes are somewhat subtle but I think over all for the better. I feel most of the characters in the game could use some minor tweaking in some areas, namely Ryu and Ken.
I hope they extend these updates to the alternate outfits as well. Most people are not pleased with the majority of the alternate outfits for the characters in the arcade release. Some are good like Balrog and Chun-Li's but others are just downright lazy like Ryu and Kens. I'm still on the fence about Sagat's but having 3 or 4 more alternate outfits to choose from would be great. One step at a time I guess!
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