Order Today from Play-Asia!After what feels like hundreds of blog posts, watching many many YouTube gameplay videos, and seeing the earliest version of the game at EVO2K8 I almost can't believe the game comes out tomorrow in Japan! Well, according to some people it's already out at certain locations in Japan but as far as I know the "official" release date is tomorrow. Anyway, for those of us who cant just walk into a store and pick this up, I checked play-asia.com and it looks like they are shipping the game as of today. Keep in mind you will need a Japanese Wii to play this or have some other means of playing import games on your Nintendo Wii.
Also, if you're in need of a joystick for the game EXAR has released a joystick also available through play-asia.
As I mentioned earlier it looks like some people have already got their hands on the game so some new videos have surfaced over the past day or two. Below is the intro movie for the game, so don't watch it if you want to save the surprise for when you get your own copy of the game!
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