« Arcadia Magazine: Umehara Daigo Kumite »

Earlier last week I posted up the Street Fighter IV arcade rankings which placed Daigo as the #1 player in Japan. Well, it looks like in the newest issue of Arcadia Magaine there is a DVD that has put Daigo to the test in an all out fight to the death (okay maybe that's a little overly dramatic) with some of the other top ranked Street Fighter IV players in Japan. Over all he dominated, but Sagat player Mago had his number this time around. Mago is ranked right under Ojisan as the 3rd best player in Japan and if you're wondering why check out this video from a couple months ago.
Here are the results, and once again thanks to Reno for posting this up on SRK:
Umehara vs Inoue: 2 - 1
Umehara vs. Itabashi Zangief: 3 - 0
Umehara vs. Fuudo: 3 - 0
Umehara vs. Joe: 2 - 1
Umehara vs. Nemo: 3 - 0
Umehara vs. Mago: 1 - 3
I'm going to try to make it out to Japantown here in San Francisco to see if I can find the newest issue that contains this DVD. It's currently all sold out on play-asia.com but keep checking back for a restock!
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