« SUPER BATTLE OPERA '08 DVDS, Kakutou Shinseiki V »
I have been waiting a while for all the DVDs for SBO '08 to be available and last time I checked the release date for the rest of them was mid to late December. Well, that time has passed obviously (Happy New Year!) and they are all up for preorder on Play-Asia.com. I'm personally going to check out the Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and Virtua Fighter 5: R DVDs.
Also, speaking of major Japanese tournaments, I just read on VFDC that Kakutou Shinseiki V was announced a little over a month ago. This is the official national tournament for Virtua Fighter 5 R. Qualifiers are underway now through January and the tournament kicks off in March '09. You can check out the official site here.
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