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about 11 years ago



This years "Seasons Beatings" was pretty damn exciting. I found myself at the edge of my seat watching the SF4 finals. Big shout out to Frame-Advantage.com for stepping up to the plate and streaming the event for all of us to enjoy!

Heres the results! (Thanks to EventHubs for the Marvel and SF4 results.)


Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

1. Issei (Yun)
2. Justin Wong (Chun, Ken)
3. Frodo (Ryu)
4. Daigo (Ken)

Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

1. Lex
2. "ILoveU" Joe
3. Jakki
4. JohnnyCakes
5. FLoE
6. Calm Warrior
7. Tim Static
8. Moses
9. Lucky Day
10. Larry

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo: HD Remix

1st: Daigo
2nd: DGV
3rd: damdai

Street Fighter 4 (Singles)

1. Daigo Umehara (Ryu)
2. Justin Wong (Rufus, Fei Long)
3. Joe "ILOVEU" Ciaramelli (Sagat)
4. Ari "Floe" Weintraub (Sagat)
5. Eduardo "vVv Scrub" Perez (Balrog)
6. Dr. Chaos (Ken)
8. Andre "TwistedJago" Foney (M. Bison)
8. Issei Suzuki (Akuma)
12. Sanford "Santhrax" Kelly (Cammy, Akuma, Ryu)
12. Eric "Ramza" Kim (Sagat)
12. Chris "Fascinating" Hu (Ryu)
12. Lud (Chun-Li)
16. Checkmate (Ryu)
16. Brandon "DemonHyo" Deshields (Blanka)
16. Wolfkrone (C. Viper, Rose)
16. Vegita-X (Zangief)

Street Fighter 4 (3vs3 Teams)

1. Team Best Friends Forever (BFF) — Justin Wong (Rufus), Joe "ILOVEU" Ciaramelli (Sagat), Noel Brown (Zangief).

2. Team WTF — Sanford "Santhrax" Kelly (Cammy), Ari "Floe" Weintraub (Sagat) and Vegita-X (Zangief).

3. Team Daigo — Daigo Umehara (Ryu), Larry (Zangief) and Moses (Rufus).

4. Team Puerto Rico — Jose "Frodo" Llera (Ryu), Ryan "Fubarduck" Harvey (Akuma), Eduardo "Vvv scrub" Perez-frangie (Balrog).

Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

1. Sanford "Santhrax" Kelly (Storm, Sentinel, Cable, Captain Commando)
2. Justin Wong (Storm, Sentinel, Cyclops)
3. Alex "Chunksta" de Souza (Magneto, Storm, Sentinel, Captain Commando, Psylocke)
4. Loren "Fanatiq" Riley (Magneto, Storm, Psylocke)
6. Chris "Magneto-X" Creecy (Magneto, Iron Man, Sentinel)
6. Neo (Sentinel, Storm, Captain Commando)
8. Josh 360 (Magneto, Ironman, Sentinel)
8. Chris "Matrix" Ellis (Cyclops, Sentinel, Cable, Storm)


This was a thrilling tourney! JWong vs Daigo in the SF4 grand finals was an awesome match to watch. Justin pulled out some Fei Long magic, but it wasn't enough to win the set sadly. (Sigh, I really wanted to see Justin finally beat Daigo!)

On another note, I found an awesome youtube video of Daigo being picked up from the airport before "Seasons Beatings", he talks about the tournaments in Japan compared to the US and Street Fighter related stuff while someone translates for him. Pretty interesting stuff!


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