Tomorrrow, CUT2 (Californa Unification Tournament) will be streamed at Top Tier Gaming on Justin.tv. BlazBlue is sure to be streamed, while Guilty Gear is still a maybe at this point.
You can watch the stream tomorrow around 6 PM PST for BlazBlue. If Guilty Gear is going to be streamed, that will be shown around 1 PM PST. Casuals for those games and possibly others (MBAA, HnK, etc) will start streaming at 9AM PST.
What is CUT? (from the first post of the thread on Dustloop)
California is a pretty big state, and people from the north don't have opportunities to get together with the southern players very often. That's why those of us in San Luis Obispo, in the middle of the two, would like to host a tournament that maybe both sides could attend. Hence the name, California Unification Tournament 2, since this will be our second time hosting!