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Soooo we ran a contest where you could win a copy of Tekken 6 about a month ago and I've been meaning to post up the results ever since then! If you missed it, the whole idea was we had our readers submit an original game character for their chance to win. 

Congratulations to Hayabusaslice for winning the contest with his animated character entry! This was a really hard descion with so many great art pieces, but the amount of effort he put into this submission sent him over the top.

Here is his entry among some other ones that really stood out. Be sure to check out the official thread to see all the entries! 



Name: Nana Park
Age: 23
Height: 5'5"
Original game.
Game Title: Lost Tracking.
Background: East Indian/Korean. Owner of a Car Wash/Nana's Car Wash. Given to her by her parents in hope that it would take focus off of her "Useless" Martial Arts attempts.
She has no real professional training in martial arts. All her moves are influenced by movies, so she hasn't any real style. Her moves vary from Kick boxing, Jeet Kune Do, and kung fu. She is quite
fast, but lacks power, do to not having any real training. She is quite naive in her thinking. She has entered a Nation wide tournament
to prove to everyone that the only keys to winning is the ability to adapt and speed. Having no real experience with an actual fight, she is still quite confident that she will succeed. All characters in the game have their own reason for entering the tournament. One of the fastes character's in the game, yet weakest. More of the game's joke character, but would still kick Dan's A** any day. lol.


Name: Kira


Fighting Style:

kira sports two weapons as do all the characters in the game, her primary is a pole arm, and secondary is a short curved sword. the pole arm wold be all poking moves, while the sword would be all sweeping moves.



kira is a bounty hunter, in search for lost partner, who has become something else. during a mission he had saved her life but in doing so had gone crazy and mutated , from the battle. not being able to cope he then went on a murderous rampage, and now she feels it's up to her to stop him.


Game System:

this would be a 2d fighter with a really long stage. six buttons, the play style would be like using gen, all three kicks/punches would swap styles. specials yes but no projectiles. it's not that i don't like them (i main ryu/ky without fireballs, i would be lost) i just wanted this to be about the basic moves. defense would also be big in this game, you would have parry, deflection and dodge moves. as for ui, there would be nothing on screen except the the guard bar.players have to keep track of health/supers themselves. the idea here i wanted players to learn when they got a super or are about to die based on what attacks they've taken or done. last blade on the dc had an option shut off the ui. roommate and i used to play that like crazy with no health bars. we thought it was funny at first but the more we played the more mental it became and we started liking it. in the end it forced us to be really attentive to every attack. you never knew when the next combo would kill you so you never let your guard down. if you can try this do it! trust me it a good time.



Name: Loch Vo


Age: 20 years old

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 203 lbs


Background: An American Vietnamese college student. Although he tries to study hard he always seems to find himself unintentionally getting into fights with other people. His attitude is carefree, but he gets violent when ticked off and uses profanity often . Well built, he spends his free time practicing martial arts. He has a pet kitty named Nin and as a side job he works at a Thai restaurant called THAITHAI TIME. (Not quite sure myself why I named it that)


Gaming: He would be set under the Tekken universe. 

His grab attacks would primarily be tripping his foes to the ground. 

His backhand takes awhile to execute, but it stuns. (See move in the picture)

His flying leg grab(Scissors Kick) traps the opponent with his legs around their neck and using a twist of the body hurls the foe onto the ground.

His False Sweep tricks the opponent into thinking the kick is going hit into the normal direction(right kick hitting the left side of the opponent's body), but then a sweep is done and rounds into a kick that hits diagonally(right kick hitting the right side of the opponent's body).

A special movement move of his is backwards rolling.




Real Name: Ophiuchus [off-ee-yoo-kuhs] O’phi for short.


Aliases: Nanashi ["Nameless"] 13


Age: 7 (Actual) 24 (Physically, mentally)


Blood Type: B


Move Set: 

<-- charge --> P: Psycho Orb—Ophiuchus throws a purple orb of energy from her possessed arm. These orbs move slowly across the screen, moving slightly faster based on strength of the punch. 

>EX version releases a standstill orb that levitates in place for a few seconds. 


QCB P: Psycho Charge—Ophiuchus does a forward dashing attack. Jab dashes a short distance and she hits with her elbow. Strong dashes further and she hits with an outstretched punch (giving slightly more reach). Fierce dashes the furthest and she hits with the same outstretched punch—this version also has her arm covered in psycho energy, which gives it knockdown properties.

>EX version has invulnerability frames at startup, moves faster, and as far as Fierce punch version.

>PPP cancels the charge (at any point before she actually attacks) into a teleport behind the opponent. 

>KKK cancels the charge into a teleport away from the opponent. Her teleports have a smokey look to them.


Super Art 1: All-Seeing Eye—Ophi releases a huge, stationary Psycho Orb that hits multiple times. Can be delayed. The name comes from how the orb looks like a giant, opening eye. 3 stocks of super.


Super Art 2: QCF x 2 + P: Psycho Beatdown—Ophiuchus lunges at her opponent, grabs them by the face and slams them into the ground multiple times. Acts like a grab. Can be tech’d out of. 2 stocks of super.


Super Art 3: QCB x 2 + P: Obliterate—Ophi slams her psycho empowered arm into the ground, causing a huge surge of psycho energy to burst up and around her. Does heavy damage. 1 stock of super.



Name: Wolfe

Born in Thailand to a widow mother who died at the process of giving birth, Wolfe was sent to be taken cared for at an orphanage. 

Age 7
The most famous Mauy Thai fighter of Thailand visits the orphanage announcing to the media about a martial arts class he is opening for the orphans as a way to "give back" to his people - Sagat's charity work. Opening his place for training exercises, the best teachers of mauy thai come to train the orphan students. Wolfe refuses to take part. 3 months of training and now the final exam: pass and get personal training from Sagat; fail and leave. Final exam is an exhibition match between students and if won first match students face Adon for last final part of the exam. 

Because of the harsh training most of the students left the program to go back to the orphanage. Only a few were able to stay or at least those who can endure the beatings like Wolfe who still refuses to fight. All matches fly by and is only a matter of time till Wolfe's faces his challenger. Fortunately his opponent is stricken with food poisoning and not able to fight. All the orphans loose to Adon with out even hitting him not even Adon lay a hand on them. Adon trashed talked, threaten the kids, and kicking dirt. :lol: The were afraid of him they ran from the area. 

Wolfe now being the one to face Adon and last still refuses to fight. Wolfe has always been the type who never had a passion for anything no interest just always quiet staring blankly to no end just wondering most of the time so naturally Wolfe has no interest in fighting. Adon starts teasing him, cursing him, pushing him, spits at him and starts talking about why his mom died and why its his fault. The spectators become uncomfortable, angry at what Adon is doing to the boy but afraid of will Adon do to them if they stop him. They look at Sagat. Sagat watches calmly from his view. Adon grows tired of the boy quickly "Jaguar Kick!" - misses. Wolfe headbutts Adon now nose bleeding. Shocked just the same as the spectators who are watching Adon picks up his composure. Walks up smirking to the boy and elbows him on the eye. Wolfe is out cold bleeding.
Sagat stands up and stops the exhibition. Wolfe passed.

Reader Comments (4)

once again Hayabusaslice congrats, that was a hell of a lot of work and well earned. gg

December 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterzeroTWOeight

Congrats to the winner! Very interesting entries :D

December 13, 2009 | Registered Commenterthxyoutoo

WOW Audio's character made it up here!

December 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJuniorMints

I think campesino was the best

December 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMe
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