Thanks to TotoroSlyaer for the pic!Over the weekend MarkMan hooked us up with some MadCatz key chains to give away on our UCD Team Tournament stream and we are now announcing the winners! For those of you who don't know, it was a twitter contest where the contestants tweeted why they <3 iPlayWinner and the top 3 most creative entries win!
I looked them all over and got a couple second opinions and these are the three that were chosen:
I heart @iplaywinner because I just want to win that keychain to unscrew the lock to Ricky Ortiz's ♥ :3
I think it only works on MadCatz sticks but if it helps you get closer to NorCals bestest Street Fighter player then more power to you!
I heart @iplaywinner because they helped me grow into the stream monster I am today. And Andry's commentary has convinced me to be sober.
We here at iPlayWinner hope you soon graduate to a potmonster to help pay top players bills and congratulations on dropping the booze becuase as I always say "Ya booze, ya lose!"
I heart @iplaywinner because without their weekly tournaments, I probably be selling coke 3am in the morning.
iPlayWinner.com: Keeping coke dealers off the streets since 2008... that's a good thing right?
Congratulations to the winners and stay tuned this week for more contests!