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« Bizarre Fighting Game Finds #3  »


This week (or month? Has it been a month? Really?) on "Bizarre Fighting Game Finds", we touch into the bizarre community aspects of fighting games along with the usual stuff that that makes you scratch your head. You can always email me your bizarre moments and I MIGHT think about posting them. :) 

 Why are you sleeping on a table, Daigo?

Taken during EVO2K3 at Cal Poly, a few players notice Daigo sleeping on a table. Is Daigo hungover? Did he not sleep well the night before? Are you sad Daigo? Why a table? Some things we will never know. 


Korean Tekken players don't care about 2010

Taken during NYE of 2009, players at the "Green Arcade" don't exactly care too much about 2010. You can watch the clock turn and not much else because it really doesn't seem like anyone gives a damn about the new years. They get real serious about Tekken over in Korea!


Why are you hanging out with children, King?


Taken from King's ending movie in Tekken 2, it seems like the masked grappler has brought presents for all of the neighborhood children. I don't know about you, but if I was a parent I wouldn't let my children near this guy. Also, whats with copy and pasted real life children? Kinda strange to watch. 


I don't know.....

I'm sorry everyone. I'm sorry for my sins. 


Low-Tier forever!

This video has about everything you want, J-pop, ascii-art, Hayao and Kuroda beasting, and Hayao in a sailor suit. Yes, your top Hugo player is wearing a sailor suit and kicking ass while sporting it. Probably one of the best videos I've seen a while. It just leaves you with a smile on your face.


Why? Why me?


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, 
on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us. 
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. 
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. for ever and ever. Amen 


How to ruin an epic fighting game moment:

Easy. Just add "Final Fight: Revenge" to the equation. I don't think I can ever think about Justin Vs. Daigo 2k9 the same again. 


Once again, if you have any youtube clips just send them over to my email.


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