Glenn over at Get Your Tournament put together some outstanding statistics for our first Ranbat detailing how players did through out the tournament. GYT put together a "Box Score" for a lot of different types of tournaments, and it's an interesting look at the numbers involved with different aspects of playing in a tournament.
If you're not sure what the abbreviations mean, don't worry, Glenn has a great write up of what everything means on this sheet. Click here for the full stats guide.
That said, this tournament we ran had some exceptional results. Here is a small excerpt from his article, and you can hit up GYTNews for the rest:
In the four matches he played on the stream, Sai-Kun had a perfect closeout percentage, winning all 20 rounds where he had the lead at the three-quarter mark. Add to that his .850 first-hit win percentage and .789 first-combo win percentage, and you have a tournament champion.
Sai-Kun also achieved a rare feat. He won the double-elimination tournament after losing his first match. In 10 years of competing and now reporting about tournaments, I can only name six players that have done it, none in the Street Fighter IV series.
Having been to or reported on almost 50 tournaments this year, it's tough for me to find anyone that's even come close. I believe ComboJack got to the finals of a tournament at Denjin Arcade after losing his first match, but he didn't win it; this was late in 2009. (and by the way, we're talking about people that lost, not people that were put in the losers bracket because of outside circumstances).