CLICK FOR FULL MATCH UP CHARTA+: Rufus, Akuma, Guile, Abel, Sagat
A: Dictator, C. Viper, Ryu
B+: Boxer, Chun Li, E. Honda, Dhalsim, Ibuki
B: Zangief, Blanka, Seth, Dudley, Cammy, El Fuerte, Ken, Juri, Rose
C: T. Hawk, DeeJay, Guy, Fei Long, Cody, Gouken, Claw, Adon, Gen
D: Hakan, Makoto, Sakura, Dan
The response to our initial Super Street Fighter 4 Tier List was overwhelming and created a lot more discussion and debate than we had ever imagined. The idea was to start with an initial base concept and slowly update the tiers to get everything inline month after month. With such a massive response from the community, we took it upon ourselves to come out with an update for the tiers before June. Moving forward, we will most likely only make major updates on a monthly basis.
This was a lot of work, but we got more input from top players and now have official Match Up Consultants that look over the data and give feed back to make sure most of the match ups and numbers and character letter rankings make sense. Everyone got to work and now we have what we feel is a much more fair tier list that is more inline with match up statistics across the board at this point. That said, much can change in the coming months, and a lot is still up in the air when it comes to the new characters.
Hopefully the match up chart is a little easier to read, and if you see any corrections to be made please let us know directly. Of course, we don't expect people to ever agree on any tier list, but your feedback is more than welcome. Hit us up in the comments and let us know what you think of the update!