IGN put together a preview for Street Fighter x Tekken, and in the process extracts some new bis of info about the NAMCO version, Tekken x Street Fighter. Most of the exchanges between Ono and Harada are pretty funny, furthering the fact that this indeed a competition between the two companies, not a collaboration.
One thing that has been asked by many players is if fireballs will show up in Tekken x Street Fighter. Harada has mentioned vaguely it here and there on his Twitter account, but to my knowledge this is the first time he has confirmed it with the press. Check it out:
Aside from finding out who will be in each game, a more interesting aspect of the fusion will be how characters long known to fight in a certain style will be altered as they're adopted to a different combat system. "For us in Street Fighter X Tekken, what we're doing is bringing Tekken characters into the Street Fighter world. Very fortunately for us, because Tekken characters are basically a rip of Street Fighter characters, it's really, really easy. We just basically have to bring them in and they fit as if they were meant to be there."
To such a response, Harada had to say, "Well you know it's funny. Ono is often saying that we stole his characters, and even some of the characters we didn't steal he thinks we did. Obviously we received some influence from Street Fighter in the beginning, but also some different fighting game franchises. Tekken has gone off on its own path and turned into a unique franchise, and as a result the gameplay's quite different." One point of interest amongst Tekken fans is how exactly something like a fireball from a Street Fighter characters is going to work within the Tekken fighting framework. "I think it's safe to say, at least for the fireballs, that they'll be in our game," said Harada. "If there's no fireball then it's no Ryu and it's not Street Fighter."