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« iPlayWinner Site Updates & Improvements »

Things are always evolving here at IPW. We're always making changes here and there, trying out new features and making tweaks.

You may have noticed some changes over the last few days.  One of our biggest pushes for improving the site is to improve how fast it loads.  We've gotten feedback that the site just doesn't load fast enough, so we're making improvements in that regard.

You may also notice that the article format has changed. The summary of each article is provided in compact form with the full article being available by clicking through.  This was done, again, to improve loading and to make the front-page easier to browse for the reader.  Now you don't have to scroll down three or four screens to see what was updated on a given day.  Since the article summaries are compact, it is easier to look through all the day's given updates and then you can click through to the ones you are interested in faster.

We will also no longer be embedding videos on the front page. It just adds too much loading, and with a video you either have to make it big or not at all. Instead of trying to embed tiny versions of videos, we're just embedding the full sized video inside the actual article.  If you aren't interested in the video, you shouldn't have to wait for it to load and shouldn't have to scroll past it.

So, here's a brief list of some of the changes we've made recently. Much, much more is in the pipeline.  What we are putting together for the next iteration of the site is pretty exciting.

We'd also like to give a huge thanks to all of the readers who have submitted feedback. We are taking all of those comments very seriously. If you have comments or suggestions you can leave them on this article or email admin@iplaywinner.com.

Thank you so much!

-The iPlayWinner Staff

General Site Changes:

  • Changed article formatting to be more compact
  • No more embedded videos on the front page
  • Changed UStream to display a static image so that it doesn't buffer the latest recording in background
  • Removed Suggested Links application that used to follow under every article
  • Made slight changes to left nav-bar apps such as Facebook and Twitter
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