« IPW x TS Site Updates & Changes »
Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and give you a quick update on a few of the changes here at iPlayWinner.com. We're reorganizing a few things to hopefully help you find more of the content you're looking for.
First off, we added a Team Sp00ky banner at the top so you can quickly access all the great TS content that hits the internet week by week. By clicking "Updates" the front page will be filtered so you only view Team Sp00ky posts and updates. Next to that, you can access their YouTube, Twitter and Gamescast page.
You'll also noticed we added a Gamescast link along the top navigation, along with the iPlayWinner Twitter, Facebook and YouTube Links. By clicking either Gamescast link for either IPW or TS, it will take you to our current schedule for streamed events so check it out if you want to see whats going on.
Next, we will be featuring top videos, events and content at the top of the site above the news from now on to give more focus on all the bad ass stuff we put out each week. Expect that area to change frequently and hopefully it will keep all of our users up to date on what's hot in the IPW x TS world.
Finally, we plan to add another line of links to access IPW featurs such as interviews, podcasts, articles and all that other stuff you guys love so much, but is a little hard to find right now. I'll probably roll that out in the next few days so keep and eye out for it.
If any of you have any feedback on these features, of course let us know. If I missed anything or if there are some links you want easier access too, post up and let me know.
Oh and one other thing, I wanted to give a shoutout to one of our new editors here on the site, Kumo. He has been doing a great job of pushing out news along with FuriousRGD -- who has been a long time contributor to IPW, and definitely one of the unsung heros of IPW -- on a daily basis. He also runs his own gaming site, windingdown.net which you can check out for news on games outside of fighters. Everyone say whats up to Kumo and let him know what you'd like to see more of!