« Southtown Arcade CVS2/3s/ST Ranbats This Sunday (10-30) - Live Stream »
Tired of all these wacky comeback mechanics? Weeaboo fighting games making you want to pull your hair out? Had it up to HERE with Street Friendly 4? I hear ya! come out to Southtown Arcade this Sunday for some PURE HONEST FIGHTING as we'll have CVS2, 3s and ST tournaments running all day!
Of course we'll be streaming the action live on our Twitch.TV channel. We'll probably kick things off with some CVS2 around 1 PM PST and see where it goes from there.
Also, ATTN: Bay Area Guilty Gear players. Are you feeling left out? Want to toss some GGAC into the mix? Hit us up in the comments or on Twitter and let us know! We'd be happy to include Guilty Gear in the Ranbats if the demand is there!
See you guys Sunday!