« Bushido Impact SSF4 Direct Feed Videos »
WorstGiefEver is in the process of uploading direct feed France vs The Rest of the World SSF4 matches from Bushido Impact that took place in December. This was an epic 10 v 10 exhibition that ended up having some really insane matches. You might have seen the cam footage from a while back, but WorstGiefEver has done a bang up job, splicing in the player and crowd reactions with the direct feed footage. Check out the videos and more details below!
While in Beat By Contest I managed to finally pick up the videos from Bushido Impact International Paris, from back in December when Gamerbee won. There was also a France VS Rest of The World tournament, the videos of which I am in the process of uploading now. One of the highlights was V-Ryu's Makoto up against one of if not the best C.Viper in Europe, 2Pac.
For some background, you can see 2Pac taunting Afii after beating him (humping his stick) in the previous match here:
I've edited both videos with the camera footage I took at the time.
Team France:
Bachaka (Captain)Ezo (Ryu)Gagapa (Bison)2Pac (C.Viper)Cuongster (Honda)StarNab (Fei Long)Renegad (Balrog)Evans (Fei Long)Yamazaki93 (Ryu)Louffy086 (Rose)Alioune (Cammy)
Team Rest of The World:
WorstGief (Captain)F-Word (Ibuki)Afii (Guile)V-Ryu (Makoto)Kenpachi (Ryu)Zoro Blad (Adon)Ryan Hart (Ryu)Fuma (Akuma)Slizzle Blad (Fei Long)Andreas Blad (Rufus)Gamerbee (Adon)
The rest of the videos will go up throughout the week. Playlist URL: