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« IPW TOPIC OF THE WEEK: Which Fighting Game Needs a Patch the Most? »

Every fighting game, no matter how much fun it is, will always have elements within it that players will feel need to be patched or taken out. It used to not be like this as when a game was released, you just had to accept it for what it was. These days, however, we have the luxury of having our voices heard and the developers hopefully taking notes of what sort of changes need to be made in the next patch and/or revision of the game.

So, now that you've had time to play some of the newer games such as Marvel vs Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat, and for some, Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition, which game do you think needs a patch the most at this point and why? Do you want to see X-Factor toned down in Marvel vs Capcom 3 or do you think the horrendous button mapping system in Mortal Kombat needs to be addressed first? Perhaps there is a game out there that we didn't list above that you feel needs adjustments the most, such as BlazBlue: CS2?

Either way, hit us up in the comments and let us know which game you think needs to be patched the most and why!

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