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about 11 years ago

« Drom's Comics & Cards Robbed - Donation Drive To Help Pick Drom's Back Up! »

Those of you who have been watching IPW streams since the early days of Vanilla SF4 probably remember that many of the tournaments were held at Drom's Comics and Cards, broadcasted by THXYOUTOO. A few weekends ago, this same comics store that has supported the NorCal fighting game scene for years now, was robbed of well over $5000 in merchandise.

The NorCal Fighting Game community is coming together to support a donation drive specifically to help Drom's get back up on their feet.  You can PayPal any amount to Jenkins Mitchell, the owner, to help out here:  Jenkins@dromscomics.com

For more information check out the official thread started by FKO Tyram on SRK, and also a video that was put together by our very own Dacidbro below.


“ I don’t know what to say, when I was younger I played every fighting game as it came out like ST and stuff. I never got into the scene hardcore but once I discovered srk I got into it. I run a business so I don’t have time to train as much as id like to so I throw tourneys for all of you guys. I just love holding events for all of you. I really really appreciate the community so much. I saw the reaction to the Japan issue and I love how the community all came together and helped each other out. I am very appreciative of all of you and what you do for the community. Thank you all for your support”

-Jenkins Mitchell

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