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about 11 years ago

« Amalgame TV: Weekly live show for Japan to discuss the American FG scene, your questions answered »

Hi guys! My name is Ryan, but I'm known to the greater fighting game community as "fubarduck". I've been playing competitively for over 10 years, and my love for fighting games was one of the main factors that drove me to study and learn Japanese starting back in 2001. I also run Arcade UFO, the sickest arcade in the Southwest here in my hometown of Austin, TX!

Now that you know all about me, I want to tell you about Amalgame TV. We need your input, so hit the jump to learn more!

This is a new weekly broadcast focused on sharing information about the International fighting game scene with Japanese gamers. Without a doubt, Japan's interest in the American scene has grown exponentially over the past couple of years. With so many streams of U.S. majors, Japan has been following us more closely than ever before, and this has created a need for understanding.

What does it mean to be "free"? What's a "happy birthday"? What does "salty" mean? Why is MVC so popular here in the first place? These are just some of the questions asked by a new age of Japanese stream monsters that I have been answering.

Together with Frieda, a top Japanese MVC3 and Mortal Kombat player who attended Evo 2011 for the first time this year, I will be co-hosting Amalgame TV. We had out first pilot episode last week, but we will begin airing every week on the regular on Tuesdays at 10:00PM Japanese time, aka 6:00AM Pacific or 9:00AM Eastern. Naturally, I don't expect you guys to wake up this friggin' early every week to listen to us jib-jab in moonspeak, but that's where I come in!

Frieda and I want to bring you answers! Ever wonder what the Japanese scene is like, or why they do things a certain way? Curious as to what drives them to play or why their execution is so godlike? Want to know their favorite snack? Serious or pointless, I will gather any and all questions from you guys in the comments every week and ask them on the show. I'll take input from both Frieda and our Japanese viewers, then post the Q:A back here on iPlayWinner every week!

Additionally, Frieda will be preparing questions for us every week from the Japanese viewers. I'll be answering them on the stream to the best of my ability, but I'll ask you guys afterwards if there are any questions that may need more feedback from the community!

Our first regular broadcast will be next Tuesday, August 30th at 6:00AM Pacific Time. We'll be streaming live from Frieda's Twitch.TV channel at http://www.twitch.tv/frieda0914.

Finally, and most importantly, I told Frieda that the name "Amalgame TV" is totally lame and that Americans won't understand it. We want a name for the show that's a little more universal, so we want your suggestions!

Amalgame TV @ Frieda's Twitch.TV Channel (Next Episode: Tuesday, Aug. 30th, 6:00AM Pacific Time)


An archive of the Pilot episode from last week can be found here:


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