« Archives Of 3S, AE2012, ST & KOFXIII At European Street Battle 2 »
French-based stream SWGA was at this year's Japan Touch Festival. The convention last year held the inaugural European Street Battle tournament which featured players all competing on arcade cabinets.
This year was no exception with French players for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012, The King of Fighters XIII, Super Street Fighter II Turbo, and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike compete against each other in team tournaments. Some members of Taiwan's fighting game community (including EVO's 7th place KOFXIII player Yang Yao Ren) also attended ESB2 and competed in both KOFXIII and AE2012!
You can check out the archives after the jump!
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition Ver. 2012
The King of Fighters XIII
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