« IPW TV Best Bouts Play List Update feat. NorCal Knock-Outs, STA Ranbats & More »
Another quick update regarding IPW TV Best Bouts -- our 24 hour stream featuring past tournaments and ranbats, both local and major! We made some additions to the play list including NorCal Knock-Outs -- our special invitational tournament featuring KOFXIII and UMVC3 -- which is not to be missed. We also added the STA ranbats 4.1 and 4.3 that feature top NorCal players duking it out in UMVC3, SF4, KOFXIII and more. We had some issues with the 4.2 recordings so it might be a while before they are added into the play list.
We're also working on getting all of the KVO: The Ultimate Battle replays processed but it's turning out to be a huge project so it will probably be next week before those go live. These feature some amazing Japanese UMVC3 and P4:A matches so we're really excited to get them in the mix as well.
Check out the stream, which is currently running now, by going to our TwitchTV Channel or simply clicking play on the player to the right.