« Samurai Spirits Tenkaichi Kenkakuden Ranbat Footage from Alpha Station Arcade in Japan »
Samurai Shodown is one of those games where it's pretty rare to find recent footage of mid-to-high level gameplay. A lot of players talk about how great it is but honestly it's difficult to find anyone to play against to begin with!
Of course, leave it to Japan to hook us up with ranbat footage of this series. The latest was uploaded by ImbuedGold and features Samurai Shodown VI gameplay from a (somewhat) recent ranbat that was held at Alpha Station arcade (RIP -- closed on the 7th of this month) in Okubu.
This is a four part video series which you can check out after the jump along with a full player list. Enjoy!
Original upload by かけにし , more Samurai Shodown VI from Alpha Station arcade. Community website here : http://kensamu.blog.fc2.com/
Players :
Mizuni (Rimururu)
Teko (Zankuro)
Dokuga [ 毒蛾 ] (Ochamaro)
Souryuu [ 蒼龍 ] (Gaoh)
Watanabe☆Kuso Yaro [ ワタナベ☆クソ野郎 ] (Gaira)
Aikawa [ 相川 ] (Charlotte)
Shinikake (Ukyo)
Sugano (Kazuki)
Yuto (Yoshitora)
Masaya (Rera)
Haipa (Yoshitora)
Gaga-sama (Mina)
Dokuga (Ochamaro)
Aikawa (Charlotte)
Yoshida [ 吉田 ] (Iroha)
Haipa (Kyoshiro)
Behomiso (Shizumaru)
Sugano (Kazuki)
Shinikake (Ukyo)
Gaga-sama (Mina)
Haipa (Yoshitora)
Haipa (Kyoshiro)
Yoshida (Iroha)
Sugano (Kazuki)
Gaga-sama (Mina)
Yoshida (Iroha)