about 9 years ago
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about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago
about 11 years ago

« Is it Time for Capcom to Make a New 3D Fighting Game? »

With all the hype and buzz surrounding Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Dead or Alive 5 and the recent release of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown it seems 3D fighting games are picking up a lot of steam -- much like 2D fighters with the release of SF4 back in 2009. Since the release of Street Fighter 4 though, it seems with each new 2D fighter companies are scraping the bottom of the barrel or simply rehashing old gameplay mechanics. Don't get me wrong, these games are still fun and plenty of players enjoy them but none of them are really pushing the envelope. 

That said, 3D games are guilty of the same thing. While Virtua Fighter, Tekken and the others all have their own look and feel and many players enjoy them, you have to be a hardcore fan of the series to get hype over the various gameplay changes. More so than 2D games though, I feel there is a lot left to be explored with the 3D genre and these games have a ton of potential for new and exciting gameplay elements that we have yet to experience. 

One company we haven't seen a 3D game from in sometime is Capcom. Do you think now is the time for Capcom to give 3D titles another shot or should they just stick to 2D fighters from here on out? Do you think they have what it takes to shake up the 3D genre or should they leave it to the experts over at NAMCO and SEGA? 

While we're on the topic, what about 2D fighting games? Do you think they've run their course? Do you feel there's a lot left to be explored with gameplay mechanics in 2D fighters and developers are just being lazy? Hit the comments and let us know your thoughts. 

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