« Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Comes to No Mercy Friday »
This Friday September 21st will be the first stream for Tekken Tag Tournament 2 on Iplaywinner! While TTT2 will be just joining the Ranbat season everybody that played Tekken 6 for the first 2 Ranbats will still have those points. Virtual Fighter 5: Final Showdown and Soul Calibur 5 will be there like always as well. You can check out the updated standings to the right on the main page of Iplaywinner or check out Southtown Arcade's website.
If you are in the area make sure to come down and support, if you can't the stream will start at 7pst on our Twitch.tv Channel. You can always follow Iplaywinner on twitter for match and news updates for the stream.
Hit the jump for some previous No Mercy Friday Videos