« Gundam Epyon Added To Arcade Version Of Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Full Boost On Oct. 22 »
Another Gundam from New Mobile Report: Gundam Wing will be arriving to the very popular Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS. Full Boost soon!
For those living in Japan and play Full Boost normally, you will be able to try OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon in the arcades on Oct. 22 before the 2014 PlayStation 3 release! You can check out the overview by 4Gamer here as well as a promotional trailer and demonstration from Tokyo Game Show for Epyon after the jump!
Epyon, piloted by Zechs Merquise, will be a close-range mobile suit with strong emphasis on melee attacks. In addition to Epyon's regular mode, players can activate its mobile armor form to fly away before planning to attack. The gundam will be classed as a 3000 point gundam so players will have to maintain momentum and stay alive as much as possible to prevent the team's 6000 point cost meter from draining.
We will keep you guys posted with more Gundam Vs. news and match videos in the future!