« Ultra Street Fighter 4 New Game Mechanics Announced »
Capcom just announced two new game mechanics for the upcoming update to the SFIV series: Ultra Combo Double and Red Focus.
Hit the jump to read all the details and to watch Combofiend's demo of the new mechanics.
Ultra Combo Double
Before the match starts you’re able to choose between your Ultra I and Ultra II combos. In Ultra we’ve added a third option, “Ultra Combo Double.” As the name suggests, once you’ve built up your revenge gauge you’ll be able to use either Ultra combo! The downside to this is that the Ultra will do less damage than it normally does.
Red Focus Attack
It uses up Super meter, but can absorb multiple attacks. Since it uses meter you’ll have to put some careful thought into how you use it. As the name implies you can distinguish it by its red glow. Just like the regular Focus Attack, the Red Focus Attack can also be dash canceled.
Source: Capcom-Unity