« Why Me Do-n't Stop Believing - A Monthly Tournament Series Tonight Following SDR »
Tonight VDon and Josh will be holding a tournament at what is now called Why Me Dojo at 133D Copeland St, Petaluma CA 94952. The games will be Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012 and Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3.
Venue fee is only $1 and entry for each game is $4. We wanted to keep the event cheap to encourage people to come, play, and level up their game. If you are new to fighting games and trying to level up come out as its a great spot for both hardcore and newcomers to fighting games. If you would like to head out for casuals don't worry as we will have extra set ups available. The stations available will all be Xbox 360.
All of the Starbase Arcade regulars like Hoodaman, Doug, DemonLos, and myself Harrison will be there with some Ramnation cats coming out as well.
The stream will be on our Twitch Channel following Super Desperation Radio tonight!