« SFIV: Capcom Wants Suggestions From Community About Announced New Version »

After some interest and hints for another update in the Street Fighter IV library, Capcom confirmed the development at Penny Arcade Expo East but they need your help to make sure to help optimize it!
The new version is looking to modify the existing characters. Every week, Capcom asks players to suggest what should be done to 10 specific characters per week and why. After going through the cast, players will have to see what needs to be modified in terms of system changes.
From now until Thursday, Ryu, Sagat, Sakura, Bison, Balrog, Honda, Ken, Makoto, Guile, and Dudley will be the chosen characters. Make sure to check the official post and register at Capcom-Unity if you want to be heard! You can check out the jump for the full schedule!
- Week 1 (3/22-3/28) - Balrog, M. Bison, E. Honda, Ken, Sagat, Sakura, Makoto, Dudley, Guile, Ryu
- Week 2 (3/29-4/4) - T. Hawk, Zangief, Dhalsim, Chun-Li, Blanka, Gouken, Dan, Rufus, Cody, Vega
- Week 3 (4/5-4/11) - Juri, Evil Ryu, Yun, Yang, Abel, Dee Jay, Hakan, Rose, Guy, Gen
- Week 4 (4/12-4/18) - Cammy, Seth, Akuma, C. Viper, Adon, Ibuki, El Fuerte, Fei Long, Oni
- Week 5 (4/19-4/25) - System and additional character changes
- Additional time (4/26-4/30) - Additional changes