« LOST IN SPACE 004 April 14th, Introducing VF5: FS »
LOST IN SPACE is returning for the 4th time this April! The tournament will once again be held at Starbase Arcade. Starbase is located 1545 4th Street San Rafael, CA.
The games that will be hosted are Virtual Fighter 5: Final Showdown, The King of Fighters XIII, Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition 2012, and Ultimate Mavel vs Capcom 3.
Entry fee for each game will be $5 and registration will be $7. All games will be held on XBOX 360.
Registration for VF5: FS and KOFXIII will end at 2:45 PM and the tournaments will begin around 3. These games will both be ran at the same time so make sure to show up on time! Registration for SSF4 AE 2012 and UMVC3 will end at 4:30 PM and tournaments will start at 5:00 PM. Again both games will be ran at the same time so please show up on time!
Starbase is right next to the Mayflower (BarBase) so if you want you can get your drink on while you wait. There is also Sol Food down the street with amazing food and drinks.
The stream will be on our Twitch.tv Channel starting around 3pst. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates throughout the day.