« Japan's Major Super Street Fighter II Turbo Team Tournament X-MANIA XIV This Weekend »

Japanese Super Street Fighter II Turbo will celebrate once again with the next edition of their annual major team tournament!
The fourteenth edition of X-MANIA brings many of the best players all around the nation to united in a 3vs3 team tournament to determine who is the current best. Players including Kusumondo, Mao, Kurahashi and Gucci will be there to fight. Before its Aug. 25 tournament, a complimentary tournament titled HyperMania 2013 will take place on Aug. 24 with Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition being played.
For those who live in North America, you can tune into HyperMania on Aug. 24, 3:00am PST, 6:00am EST and then X-MANIA XIV on Aug. 24th (10:00pm PST) and Aug. 25th (1:00 EST).
You can find info such as possible stream link and player list on ST Revival!