« Super Arcade Kickstarter Launched »
After months of speculation, Mike Watson has launched the Kickstarter for Super Arcade in Walnut, Calif. The project hopes to revitalize and keep open the arcade that has become a central hub in Southern California's fighting game scene.
The effort, which hopes to raise $44,000 by May 2, 2014, would modernize the arcade with a new physical infrastructure, new fixtures including a display counter to sell stick parts and aparrel, a card system for the games and a new lighting and PA system. Watson also promises to cater to more communities with a wider range of games and introduce a membership system that will save frequent vistors money for their continued support.
For the full list of upgrades, as well as information on backing the project and rewards for donating, check out the Kickstarter page. Interested parties can also contact Watson on Twitter.