« New Console Screenshots Of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late Show Off Training Mode, In-Game Menus & More »

Here is what is in store for the PlayStation 3 version of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late!
In preparation for the July release of UNIEL on the PlayStation 3, new screenshots of the game are available. Along with in-game screenshots featuring new character Nanase, some screenshots reveal modes accessible through the main menu, customizable options paid with in-game currency ("Inverse Points") and a shot of training mode.
New details about the online portion of UNIEL are revealed. With the usual ranked match mode, there will be a lobby room-central with the ability to spectate and customize match parameters. You can read mode info about the modes, and new character Nanase, after the jump!
You can check out more screenshots above! Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late on PlayStation 3 is available on July 24, 2014 in Japan!
New Character
Name: Nanase
CV: Mayu Iizuka
Height: 159cm
Weight: 44kg (75/54/80)
Birthday: February 15
Blood Type: O
Ability Name: Senten no EXS “Windmill”
Weapon Name: Zephyr
A mysterious girl who persistently keeps watch on Hyde. She’s intent on having him take responsibility for something, but the circumstances revolve around some adult troubles that are best left written and as such, only those two know the specifics. She wields a long sword in combat, and uses her weapon with ease as part of a nimble combat style, almost mocking her opponents with her movements. At night, she’s known to wander around. Eventually, as she’s out on her normal business, she at long last catches wind of a “fishy looking” man with a red blade. She finds out that her sworn enemy, the young man, had been lurking around at night, too, and plunges forth into danger without a second thought.
Game Modes
The PlayStation 3 version of Under Night In-Birth includes various game modes, including some not in the arcade version.
Arcade Mode: In this familiar mode, players will fight through ten stages of opponents while following the story. With Nanase on the roster, new scenarios have also been added.
VS Mode: In this mode, players can enjoy an offline two-player battle.
VS CPU Mode: In this mode, players can fight against a CPU. The computer’s strength can be adjusted.
Score Attack: In this mode, players will fight through ten rounds of opponents with a higher difficulty, and compete to earn points. Players can post their scores to the online leaderboards.
Time Attack: In this mode, players will fight through ten rounds of opponents with a higher difficulty, and compete to finish fastest. Players can post their scores to the online leaderboards.
Survival: Try to survive while fighting character after character without recovering your health for the next fight.
Training: In this mode, players can practice in a custom set environment, adjusting settings, striking dummies, etc.
Gallery: Browse through various graphics from Arcade Mode, as well as illustrations, voice data, and related videos.
Ranked Match (Network): Fight against other players online. Up to two people can enter a room. The winner’s player rank will go up.
Player Match (Network): Fight against other players online. Up to eight people can enter a room, and two people will play. While you wait for your turn, you can spectate the current players’ fight.
Ranking (Network): Browse the online leaderboards.
Room Conditions: The following room conditions can be set: maximum amount of room members, number of spectators, rotation type, round wins required for victory, round time, and room level.
Customization: Change your player information, player icon, and player banner. For use with Ranked and Player Matches.
Options: Edit the game’s various settings.
Inverse Points: Each time you play, you’ll earn “Inverse Points,” special currency that can be used to buy items, such as original illustrations and movies in Gallery Mode, as well as additional color characters, and online player icons and banners.
New Character
Name: Nanase
CV: Mayu Iizuka
Height: 159cm
Weight: 44kg (75/54/80)
Birthday: February 15
Blood Type: O
Ability Name: Senten no EXS “Windmill”
Weapon Name: Zephyr
A mysterious girl who persistently keeps watch on Hyde. She’s intent on having him take responsibility for something, but the circumstances revolve around some adult troubles that are best left written and as such, only those two know the specifics. She wields a long sword in combat, and uses her weapon with ease as part of a nimble combat style, almost mocking her opponents with her movements. At night, she’s known to wander around. Eventually, as she’s out on her normal business, she at long last catches wind of a “fishy looking” man with a red blade. She finds out that her sworn enemy, the young man, had been lurking around at night, too, and plunges forth into danger without a second thought.
Game Modes
The PlayStation 3 version of Under Night In-Birth includes various game modes, including some not in the arcade version.
Arcade Mode: In this familiar mode, players will fight through ten stages of opponents while following the story. With Nanase on the roster, new scenarios have also been added.
VS Mode: In this mode, players can enjoy an offline two-player battle.
VS CPU Mode: In this mode, players can fight against a CPU. The computer’s strength can be adjusted.
Score Attack: In this mode, players will fight through ten rounds of opponents with a higher difficulty, and compete to earn points. Players can post their scores to the online leaderboards.
Time Attack: In this mode, players will fight through ten rounds of opponents with a higher difficulty, and compete to finish fastest. Players can post their scores to the online leaderboards.
Survival: Try to survive while fighting character after character without recovering your health for the next fight.
Training: In this mode, players can practice in a custom set environment, adjusting settings, striking dummies, etc.
Gallery: Browse through various graphics from Arcade Mode, as well as illustrations, voice data, and related videos.
Ranked Match (Network): Fight against other players online. Up to two people can enter a room. The winner’s player rank will go up.
Player Match (Network): Fight against other players online. Up to eight people can enter a room, and two people will play. While you wait for your turn, you can spectate the current players’ fight.
Ranking (Network): Browse the online leaderboards.
Room Conditions: The following room conditions can be set: maximum amount of room members, number of spectators, rotation type, round wins required for victory, round time, and room level.
Customization: Change your player information, player icon, and player banner. For use with Ranked and Player Matches.
Options: Edit the game’s various settings.
Inverse Points: Each time you play, you’ll earn “Inverse Points,” special currency that can be used to buy items, such as original illustrations and movies in Gallery Mode, as well as additional color characters, and online player icons and banners.
Read more at http://gematsu.com/2014/05/night-birth-exelate-ps3-details-screenshots#ZFWWYoGTJpuoe7KW.99
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