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« Arc System Works and Aksys Adding $30,000 to BBCP at Evo 2014 »

Shoryuken is reporting that $30,000 is being added to the prize pool for BlazBlue: Chronophantasma at Evolution 2014. Arc System Works, creators of BlazBlue, will be furnishing $20,000 of the money along with a trip to the Arc Revolution Cup, the premier tournament for ASW games in Japan. The winner of Evo 2014 will automatically qualify for that event in August, and will be allowed to bring one fellow competitor. Aksys Games will be donating $5,000 to the prize pool, along with an extra $5,000 to the player who attends Arc Revo.

In addition, ASW and Aksys will have a combined booth at Evolution, with BlazBlue series producer Toshimichi Mori on-hand as well as voice actress Kana Ueda. There will also be playable demos of Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!, BlazBlue Battle Cards and Guilty Gear Xrd -Sign- at the event.

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