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« More "Klassic" Characters Join Mortal Kombat X »

The official trailer for the Kombat Pack has been released, and the two characters who will join Predator and Jason Voorhees are the returning Tanya and Tremor.

Tanya was first playable in Mortal Kombat 4, while Tremor made his first appearance in Mortal Kombat: Special Forces. And Test Your Might is reporting that they are not the only characters making a comeback in MKX. Listed among the skins coming with the Kombat Pack are skins for Liu Kang and Jax, two characters who have not been mentioned in the months leading to MKX's release.

For TYM's full list of the Kombat Pack DLC, and the Kombat Pack trailer, check below.


Full Kombat Pack details are listed below:
The Ultimate Horror Pack
Playable character Jason Voorhees
Horror skins Vampiress Mileena, Kraken Reptile and Pharaoh Ermac
The Klassic Pack #1:
Playable character Tanya
Klassic skins for Kano, Sonya and Liu Kang
The Predator / Prey Pack:
Playable character Predator
Predator-themed skins Commando Johnny, Infrared Scorpion and Carl Weathers as Jax
The Klassic Pack #2:
Playable character, Tremor
Klassic skins for Quan Chi, Jax and Kung Lao

In the Americas, the Kombat Pack is included in the Mortal Kombat X Kollector’s Edition by Coarse, Limited Edition and Premium Edition, and will be available for purchase separately for $29.99.**

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