« Trailer & Location Test Information for Upcoming Blade Arcus from Shining Ver. 2.0 »
Sega's fighting game based on the Shining series will be updated with new characters.
Blade Arcus from Shining Ver. 2.0 was announced and will be playable in three arcades around Japan for location testing. Urayukihime Hayane, Rouna Murasame, Dylan Rowen and Rick Elwood from game Shining Hearts will make their appearance as playable characters to Blade Arcus. Rejection Guard and Reversal Strike will be new mechanics to Blade Arcus 2.0, while there will be changes done to existing characters and the overall system.
For people living in Japan, there will be a week- long location test throughout Tokyo. From June 12, you can visit Club Sega Akihabara, Sega Kaguruzaka and Club Sega Shinjuku to try out the latest update. A trailer is found below.