« New York's Next Level to Close in Early 2016 »
The succerssor to Chinatown Fair as New York City's fighting game community hotspot will be closing at the beginning of the new year. In a TwitLonger post, Henry Cen cleared up the rumors surrounding a disagreement he had with his Next Level partner, Nick Chan, and delivered the news:
"I want to explain myself and apologize to community over the uproar a few days ago, basically Next Level lease is coming to an end at Feb 29th, 2016 which I'm obligated to stay until then. My disagreement with my business partner was about my concerns for the future of Next Level and because of our differences regarding this issue, we've agreed that after the lease is over to go our separate ways."
Next Level opened its doors in Brooklyn in 2011 shortly after the closure of Chinatown Fair (the arcade has since reopened under new management). Cen hopes people will continue to support Next Level before it closes and also said he still wants to give players "a new home for the community in the future."